Mobility and Transport
The challenges of sustainable mobility and low-energy transport are numerous. Mountain Planet is a unique opportunity to discuss the future of our mountains.
The environmental challenges facing our mountain territories are important for those involved in ski resorts and communities exposed to winter and summer tourism. What are the best practices and innovative solutions presented by exhibitors? This major international event takes place every two years in Grenoble (France), to meet a community of partners involved at different levels of the energy transition process. The full report can be found in the Innovation Book by Mountain Planet 2023
Resorts in search of eco-mobility
The main objective of mountain resorts and communities is to reduce dependence on fuel-operated vehicles, leading to air pollution through greenhouse gas emissions. The development of public transport and carpooling, as well as the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, are among the future solutions for preserving the mountains. But their implementation must also take into account the seasonal nature of tourism and the number of visitors to ski resorts. These are not insignificant investments for mountain regions. By developing off-season tourism, the impact of seasonality is mitigated, helping to cushion the financial burden of sustainable transport.
Environmentally friendly infrastructures
At the heart of the resorts, transporting skiers is also one of the challenges. Electric and hydrogen-powered shuttles are just some of the technologies that can be used in mountain areas. Hydrogen is also used to power snow groomers, as is HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) fuel. Then there’s the energy from solar panels, to power ropeways and reduce the carbon footprint of ski areas. Find out more about energy and the energy transition in the mountains
A mobilization bringing mountain professionals, inhabitants, and visitors together
Faced with the environmental challenges to be met, the commitment of all mountain and regional players is essential. Educating both visitors and locals in mountain towns and resorts is crucial for shifting behaviors towards sustainability. The advantages of eco-friendly transportation are clear, and it’s the moment for proactive measures—opting to leave personal vehicles parked or to share rides.
There are practical solutions available to protect our mountain ecosystems. The future of our resorts and the quality of life in these high-altitude landscapes hinge on our collective actions. Do you offer eco-mobility solutions? Come and see for yourself at Mountain Planet. Among the sectors represented:
- Sustainable mobility (equipment)
- Materials transport
- Urban transport